Buy British food
Buy British food

Miscellaneous online payment - BHSC

To make an online payment (other than BHSC subscription payment) to the BHSC, you can use: To pay by bank transfer, please contact the BHSC Treasurer via the Contact page who will let you have bank account details and a payment reference to use.
PLEASE DO NOT PAY FOR HUNT CAPS OR BHSC ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS USING THIS PAGE - click here for hunt caps or visit the Home (front) page Downloads area for BHSC membership forms.

BHSC Online payment

You can pay here using a credit card, debit card or PayPal by: You will be presented with an invitation to either log in to a PayPal account or (if you wish to pay by credit or debit card) 'Check Out as a Guest'

If you are paying for several items, please enter the total amount due, but please do not try to pay for tickets for more than one event (e.g. "2 x tickets Opening meet supper + 2 x Hunt Ball tickets") in one transaction.

You will be presented with confirmation of your payment amount and asked to provide some further information.
When your payment is complete, the system will immediately email you a receipt, and this is copied to the BHSC Treasurer.
If you are subsequently unable to participate your payment will NOT be refunded. Payments will, however, be refundable if the event is subsequently cancelled or major changes are made to the venue, timing or content.

Some events are free of charge (FoC) for those who qualify. If you qualify, please click the 'Free entry' check-box that will appear.
Some events will be free for everyone or 'pay on the day'.
For both types, an 'Email address' box will then appear for you to give your email address. Please also enter your name and postcode in the Short Description box (the blue Pay button will now be a Book button).

Some events have a discount for those who have been given a discount code. If you qualify, please insert it in the 'Discount' check-box that will appear.

If you book, pay and then cancel and it appears to the organisers in their absolute discretion that this was a malicious and not bona fide act, your payment will NOT be refunded.

Other payment 
Foot HoundEx  
Bike HoundEx 

I accept
Free entry
Email address

(e.g. 25.00)

Discount code

Short description
(e.g. 2 tickets 29th Oct supper)

Email me about future events