Buy British food
Buy British food

Subscription payment

If you wish to pay for a hunt cap (day's hunting), please use the cap payment page and not this one.

Annual subscription and ticket prices

The prices of the annual subscription packages and books of daily tickets are given on the Subscriptions page.

If you wish to pay an annual subscription or buy a book of tickets by post, please fill in a subscription form (available from the Secretary) and post it to the address given on the form. If you have special payment requirements — you would like to make staged payments by standing order or direct debit for example — or find anything unclear, please contact the Secretary (see the Contact page).

If you wish to pay online, please firstly study the subscriptions rates so you can select the package that meets your needs best.
You can then pay online by: But in either case you must contact the Secretary before you pay so that the Secretary knows exactly what annual subscription package or book of tickets you want and confirms with you the price you will pay. The Secretary will give you a payment reference number that must be quoted with your bank transfer or BH online payment. If you are paying by bank transfer, the Secretary will provide the BH's bank account number and sort code.

BH online payment

When you have confirmed a price with the Secretary and been given a payment reference number, you can pay online here using a credit card, debit card or PayPal by: You be presented with an invitation to either log in to a PayPal account or (if you wish to pay by credit or debit card) 'Check Out as a Guest'

You will be presented with confirmation of your payment amount and asked to provide some further information. When your payment is complete, the system will immediately email you a receipt. This is copied to the Secretary who may then email you to acknowledge and thank you for your subscription.

(e.g. 2200.00)
NB omit £ sign
Payment reference number
(e.g. A43)